今天看了新的一部電影叫做 Just Go WIth It, 超好看的. Jennifer Aniston 很漂亮!
我跟6個朋友一起去. 有Judy, Mao, Raymond, Shinn, Juan Carlos, and Tony. i had a really fun day.
i was the first one at school, well .... out of the people above, yes. i was in the cafeteria playing tetris. i was debating whether i should go or not because i didn't have my glasses. and there's not much of a point to watch a movie when you can't see what's going on. when the boys came to schoo, it was 11a.m. i was shocked that they weren't late. so i called Judy and Mao and i was informed that they were still at coming, on their way to school. i was surprised, but oh well.
when we were at the theater, we had no idea what to watch first. we wanted to watch Gnomeo and Juliet, but it was too late. The room was full and the only seats were front seats. so we decided to watch Just Go With It. To be honest, i find that title very interesting. I never thought how the movie would be. I never paid attention to the title. when we got our seats, i was sitting at the most corner. The seatings were like this,
(from left to Right)
Juan Carlos, Raymond, Tony, Shinn, Mao, Judy, JoAn.
Although I kind of wanted to sit with him but it would be too obvious .... and i don't want any awkwardness during the movie. Like the title, "just go with it". While we were watching the trailers, i found a very meaningful quote, "Life is the most spectacular show on Earth". i really like that quote. It's one of the most meaningful quote, although it's obvious, that i have for this year. i know it long time ago, but that quote hit me really hard. i don't know if any one can understand this, but it kind of means a lot to me.
我有一個遺憾, 那就是沒有跟你坐. 我有點喜歡你. 你不知道嗎 ? 為什麼你不喜歡我呢? 我有那麼的不起眼嗎 ? 我只能說我很希望我可以找到一個愛我的人. 當然, 我也愛他啦. 愛情好美喔. 我不想我的夢被破壞. 我那個時候真的很想親你耶. XPPP
好啦, 今天就說到這裡. 我明天還有兩個考試呢. 我完了啦 !!
希望我的白馬王子快點出現 !!!