目前分類:Me, myself, and mine only Diary (8)

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Everyone heard of Japan's tsunami today ? there are many who died and many are still missing. so wish that everyone will pray for Japan !!

to be honest, i can't believe that i am involved with this kind of history. my teacher taught us about radiations today. the atomic bombs that were once launched are still affecting humans today. there are many who still have cancers and many other disease, are all because of the radiations. why can't we have a happy life without war ? why can't we just live in peace ? is violence the only way can solve a problem between countries ? many kids know that we should not do anything involving violence, yet our own government do so. shouldn't the government be our best examples ?? 

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I can't believe that our friendship is weaking. i don't know if you care or not but i really do. not just the fact that i like you but also that we are best friends. right ? at least that's what i think and i hope that we still are .... you have just always been there and now you're gone. hahaaa !! i've lost you many times honestly, and losing you again might not make any difference. i told myself to move on but ..... i think it's really hard when we are in the same school, same classes, and in the same area every single day. i really want to take a fresh hair !

omg ! i finally watched Burlesque !! it's a great movie !! i can't believe how good Christina is !! i bet she had a lot of hard time while recording that movie. ^^ good for her though in the end, everything's worth it ^^ i will also have to thanks David Chuek, my high school best friend, that he let me borrowed his laptop to watch it. he was sleeping behind me or something. i don't remember. XPPP

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阿 !! 我快煩死了 . 每天都可以看到你應該是一件很開心的是阿, 那為什麼我會感到這麼煩呢 . 

我總於知道單戀原來是這麼痛苦的 . 我們雖然之前有說過喜歡對方, 然後呢 ? 好像是什麼東西都沒發生耶 ..... 是我自己一個人期待奇蹟嗎 ? 我真的快瘋了 . 我好想我們之前的曖昧喔 . 像大家說的, 曖昧真的很美 . 

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沒想到我會再次愛上你. 每當我看到你的時候都一定會有個笑容掛在我的臉上. 我最近好累哦. 你都去了哪裡 ?

我最近在看"愛似百匯 Love Buffet". 我很喜歡看. 陳奕儒真的很可愛 ! 他的一舉一動都很可愛. 沒想到我又會愛上他.

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我只能說我真的很傻. 我以為只要耐心地等待就會得到你的愛. 但我今天發現了你的世界根本就沒有我的存在. 我只是個暫時的朋友而已. 你根本沒有想過我會因為你而放棄我的未來. 

我真傻, 以為你會回頭愛護我. 我還以為我們是有可能的. 可是你今天的一舉一動都告訴了我真相. 

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今天看了新的一部電影叫做 Just Go WIth It, 超好看的. Jennifer Aniston 很漂亮! 

我跟6個朋友一起去. 有Judy, Mao, Raymond, Shinn, Juan Carlos, and Tony. i had a really fun day. 

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今天California的天氣不錯麻, 都沒有下雨耶. 今天是星期天. 沒什麼事做. 明天也沒讀書 !! ^^

今天就跟幾個男生打了籃球, 沒事做麻. 哈哈

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很莫名的愛上你是一件很美和很煩惱的事. 我從沒想過會對你有感覺, 至到你很溫柔的對我說, 你喜歡我嗎?

每當我看到你, 想到你, 我的嘴角會微微的笑著. 想起我們那時候是多甜蜜. 我們每天晚上都會通電話, 也一定會聊了最少一個小時. 那時的你是很sweet也很體貼的. 我真的很懷念我們很曖昧的時候哦. 

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